作者 | Andrei Cioban
译者 | 弯月
出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)
uint32_t map = ...;
uint32_t vars = ...;
uint64_t shape = ...;
int8_t i = ...;
vars是一个32位整数,用于保存下面的数据: hpos (比特0~4)表示蛇头的位置,表示为从map的最低位开始的偏移量; tpos(比特5~9)表示蛇尾的位置,表示为从map的最低位开始的偏移量; len(比特10~14)表示蛇的长度; apos(比特15~19)表示苹果的位置,表示为从map的最低位开始的偏移量; chdir(比特20~21)表示表示最后一次按下的键,2个比特足够了,因为只需要四个方向键; 其余的比特没有使用。我们也可以把循环计数器的uint8_t放在这儿,但为了简单起见,我还是使用了单独的变量。 我们定义了以下的宏来访问hpos、hpos等。这些宏就像是针对每个段的getter/setter一样。 更多有关宏背后的技巧,请参见这篇文章:https://www.coranac.com/documents/working-with-bits-and-bitfields/ shape用来保存蛇的每一节的方向。每个方向2比特就足够了,所以一共可以保存32个方向: 方向的意义用下面的宏表示: 每次蛇在map的方格中移动时,我们需要使用下述宏循环这些方向: 当蛇移动且没有吃掉苹果时,我们调用s_shape_rot宏,删除最后一个方向,然后添加一个新的蛇头(根据s_chdir)。 这么看来,蛇的行为有点像队列: 当蛇移动并吃掉一个苹果时,我们调用s_shape_add,仅增加长度,并添加一个新的蛇尾s_tdir。 主循环如下所示。 每当某个键按下时,就展开s_key_press,检查移动是否允许,然后更新s_chdir(使用s_chdir_set)。 s_key_press有两个输入参数的作用是去除相反方向。例如,如果蛇当前向右移动(SR),那么SL就是不可能的输入,从而中断switch语句。 move_snake()中实现了大部分逻辑: 为了验证蛇是否可以在方格中移动,我们实现了check_*()函数: check_l()检查蛇的X坐标(s_hpos % 8)是否大于上一个位置的X坐标; check_r()检查蛇的X坐标(s_hpos % 8)是否小于上一个位置的X坐标; check_u()和check_d()的原理相同,检查增加s_hpos是否会导致溢出。如果溢出,表明移动超出了方格边界。这里溢出当做一个特性使用。 这是需要实现的最后一个函数: 所有宏展开之后,代码如下所示: 上述代码非常难懂,上下滚动屏幕甚至会感到头晕。 这个练习很有趣。完整的代码在此(https://github.com/nomemory/integers-snake/blob/main/snake.c),大约100行,只用了四个整数。 如果在你的终端上蛇跑得太快,可以尝试增加s_napms。 *本文由CSDN翻译,未经授权,禁止转载。 原文链接:https://www.andreinc.net/2022/05/01/4-integers-are-enough-to-write-a-snake-game#define s_is_set(b) ((map&(1<<(b)))!=0) // checks if the b bit from the map is set to 1#define s_tog(b) (map^=(1<<(b))) // toggles the b bit of the map (currently not used)#define s_set_0(b) (map&=~(1<
#define s_mask(start,len) (s_ls_bits(len)<<(start)) // creates a bitmask of len starting from position start#define s_prep(y,start,len) (((y)&s_ls_bits(len))<<(start)) // prepares the mask// Gets the the "len" number of bits, starting from position "start" of "y"#define s_get(y,start,len) (((y)>>(start))&s_ls_bits(len)) // Sets the the "len" number of bits, starting from position "start" of "y" to the value "bf"#define s_set(x,bf,start,len) (x=((x)&~s_mask(start,len))|s_prep(bf,start,len))#define s_hpos s_get(vars,0,5) // gets the last 5 bits of "vars", which corresponds to s_hpos#define s_tpos s_get(vars,5,5) // sets the last 5 bits of "vars", which corresonds to s_hpos#define s_len s_get(vars,10,5)#define s_apos s_get(vars,15,5)#define s_chdir s_get(vars,20,2)#define s_hpos_set(pos) s_set(vars,pos,0,5)#define s_tpos_set(pos) s_set(vars,pos,5,5)#define s_len_set(len) s_set(vars,len,10,5)#define s_apos_set(app) s_set(vars,app,15,5)#define s_chdir_set(cdir) s_set(vars,cdir,20,2)#define s_len_inc s_len_set(s_len+1)
#define SU 0 //UP #define SD 1 //DOWN #define SL 2 //LEFT #define SR 3 //RIGHT
#define s_hdir ((shape>>(s_len*2)&3)) // retrieves the head direction (based on s_slen)#define s_tdir (shape&3) // retrieves the last 2 bits which corresponds to the tail#define s_hdir_set(d) s_set(shape,d,s_len*2,2) // sets the head direction#define s_tdir_set(d) s_set(shape,d,0,2) // sets the tail direction // Macros for changing the shape each time the snake moves#define s_shape_rot(nd) do { shape>>=2; s_hdir_set(nd); } while(0); #define s_shape_add(nd) do { s_len_inc; shape<<=2; s_tdir_set(nd); } while(0);
// Some macros to make the code more readable// (or unreadable depending on you)#define s_init do { srand(time(0)); initscr(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); cbreak(); noecho(); } while(0);#define s_exit(e) do { endwin(); exit(e); } while(0);#define s_key_press(k1, k2) if (s_hdir==k2) break; s_chdir_set(k1); break;int main(void) { s_init; // initialize the curses context rnd_apple(); // creates a random position for the apple while(1) { show_map(); // renders the map on screen timeout(80); // getch() timeouts after waiting for user input switch (getch()) { case KEY_UP : { s_key_press(SU, SD) }; case KEY_DOWN : { s_key_press(SD, SU) }; case KEY_LEFT : { s_key_press(SL, SR) }; case KEY_RIGHT : { s_key_press(SR, SL) }; case "q" : exit(0); // Quits the game } move_snake(); // The snake moves inside the grid s_shape_rot(s_chdir); // The shape is getting updated napms(200); // frame rate :)) } s_exit(0); // games exits}
#define s_next_l s_mask5(s_hpos+1) // incrementing the offset to go right#define s_next_r s_mask5(s_hpos-1) // decrementing the offset to go left#define s_next_u s_mask5(s_hpos+8) // change row up, by adding 8 positions to the offset#define s_next_d s_mask5(s_hpos-8) // change row down, by removing 8 positions from the offset// Check if a left movement is possible. static void check_l() { if ((s_mod_p2(s_next_l,8) < s_mod_p2(s_hpos,8)) || s_is_set(s_next_l)) s_exit(-1); }// Check if a right movement is possible. static void check_r() { if ((s_mod_p2(s_next_r,8) > s_mod_p2(s_hpos,8)) || s_is_set(s_next_r)) s_exit(-1); }// Check if a up movement is possiblestatic void check_u() { if ((s_next_u < s_hpos) || s_is_set(s_next_u)) s_exit(-1); }// Check if a down movement is possiblestatic void check_d() { if ((s_next_d > s_hpos) || s_is_set(s_next_d)) s_exit(-1); }static void move_snake() { if (s_hdir==SL) { check_l(); s_hpos_set(s_hpos+1); } else if (s_hdir==SR) { check_r(); s_hpos_set(s_hpos-1); } else if (s_hdir==SU) { check_u(); s_hpos_set(s_hpos+8); } else if (s_hdir==SD) { check_d(); s_hpos_set(s_hpos-8); } // Sets the bit based on the current s_hdir and s_hpos s_set_1(s_hpos); // If an apple is eaten if (s_apos==s_hpos) { // We generate another apple so we don"t starve rnd_apple(); // Append to the tail s_shape_add(s_tdir); // We stop clearning the tail bit return; } // Clear the tail bit s_set_0(s_tpos); // Update the t_pos so we can clear the next tail bit when the snake moves if (s_tdir==SL) { s_tpos_set(s_tpos+1); } else if (s_tdir==SR) { s_tpos_set(s_tpos-1); } else if (s_tdir==SU) { s_tpos_set(s_tpos+8); } else if (s_tdir==SD) { s_tpos_set(s_tpos-8); }}
static void show_map() { clear(); i=32; while(i-->0) { // !! Trigger warning for sensitive people, incoming "-->0" // If the bit is an apple, we render the apple "@" if (i==s_apos) { addch("@"); addch(" "); } // We draw either the snake bit ("#") or the empty bit (".") else { addch(s_is_set(i) ? "#":"."); addch(" "); } // We construct the grid by inserting a new line if (!s_mod_p2(i,8)) { addch("\n"); } };}
uint32_t map = 0x700;uint32_t vars = 0x20090a;uint64_t shape = 0x2a;int8_t i = 0;static void rnd_apple() { i = (rand()&(32 -1)); while(((map&(1<<(i)))!=0)) i = (rand()&(32 -1)); (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(15)))|(((i)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(15)));}static void show_map() { wclear(stdscr); i=32; while(i-->0) { if (i==(((vars)>>(15))&((1<<(5))-1))) { waddch(stdscr,"@"); waddch(stdscr," "); } else { waddch(stdscr,((map&(1<<(i)))!=0) ? "#":"."); waddch(stdscr," "); } if (!(i&(8 -1))) { waddch(stdscr,"\n"); } };}static void check_l() { if ((((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+1)&0x1f)&(8 -1)) < ((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))&(8 -1))) || ((map&(1<<((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+1)&0x1f))))!=0)) do { endwin(); exit(-1); } while(0);; }static void check_r() { if ((((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-1)&0x1f)&(8 -1)) > ((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))&(8 -1))) || ((map&(1<<((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-1)&0x1f))))!=0)) do { endwin(); exit(-1); } while(0);; }static void check_u() { if (((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+8)&0x1f) < (((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))) || ((map&(1<<((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+8)&0x1f))))!=0)) do { endwin(); exit(-1); } while(0);; }static void check_d() { if (((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-8)&0x1f) > (((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))) || ((map&(1<<((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-8)&0x1f))))!=0)) do { endwin(); exit(-1); } while(0);; }static void move_snake() { if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==2) { check_l(); (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(0)))|((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+1)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(0))); } else if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==3) { check_r(); (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(0)))|((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-1)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(0))); } else if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==0) { check_u(); (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(0)))|((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))+8)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(0))); } else if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==1) { check_d(); (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(0)))|((((((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))-8)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(0))); } (map|=(1<<(((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1)))); if ((((vars)>>(15))&((1<<(5))-1))==(((vars)>>(0))&((1<<(5))-1))) { rnd_apple(); do { (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(10)))|((((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))+1)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(10))); shape<<=2; (shape=((shape)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<(0)))|((((shape&3))&((1<<(2))-1))<<(0))); } while(0);; return; } (map&=~(1<<(((vars)>>(5))&((1<<(5))-1)))); if ((shape&3)==2) { (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(5)))|((((((vars)>>(5))&((1<<(5))-1))+1)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(5))); } else if ((shape&3)==3) { (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(5)))|((((((vars)>>(5))&((1<<(5))-1))-1)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(5))); } else if ((shape&3)==0) { (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(5)))|((((((vars)>>(5))&((1<<(5))-1))+8)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(5))); } else if ((shape&3)==1) { (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(5))-1)<<(5)))|((((((vars)>>(5))&((1<<(5))-1))-8)&((1<<(5))-1))<<(5))); }}int main(void) { do { srand(time(0)); initscr(); keypad(stdscr, 1); cbreak(); noecho(); } while(0);; rnd_apple(); while(1) { show_map(); wtimeout(stdscr,80); switch (wgetch(stdscr)) { case 0403 : { if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==1) break; (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<(20)))|(((0)&((1<<(2))-1))<<(20))); break; }; case 0402 : { if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==0) break; (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<(20)))|(((1)&((1<<(2))-1))<<(20))); break; }; case 0404 : { if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==3) break; (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<(20)))|(((2)&((1<<(2))-1))<<(20))); break; }; case 0405 : { if (((shape>>((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)&3))==2) break; (vars=((vars)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<(20)))|(((3)&((1<<(2))-1))<<(20))); break; }; case "q" : exit(0); } move_snake(); do { shape>>=2; (shape=((shape)&~(((1<<(2))-1)<<((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2)))|((((((vars)>>(20))&((1<<(2))-1)))&((1<<(2))-1))<<((((vars)>>(10))&((1<<(5))-1))*2))); } while(0);; napms(200); } do { endwin(); exit(0); } while(0);;}